For NON U.S. laboratories: Given the epidemiological situation concerning Zika virus, a simplified and quicker procedure has been put in place for the supply of EVAg strains to the scientific community outside of the US (For China supply, please see here).

1. Create an account, or Log on to our Portal

2. Add the Zika virus strain of your choice to your cart*, and fill in the required billing and shipping information, intended use, and technical description.
A list of available Zika virus products can be displayed here.

3. Don’t forget to tick the box for free of charge access

4. Complete your enquiry

Your enquiry will be forwarded to our Selection Panel that will evaluate your demand based on criteria defined in the EC specific provisions for transnational access activities guidelines.

Please note that this process usually takes one week.

If accepted, EVAg will send you the non negotiable MTA to be signed. Once the documentation is signed, your request will be forwarded to our EVAg partner, who will be in contact with you to arrange the shipment.

*Please note that for free of charge demands, only one product at a time should be ordered. This means that if you have more than one product in your cart, you won't be able to select the 'free of charge option'. This procedure is necessary to allow proper evaluation of your demand by our Selection Panel, and for transparency reasons towards the European Commission who will be sponsoring financially your access.