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4 products displayed

Ref-SKU Type Product Description ICTV Taxonomy Virus name Strain Isolate Product Grading Availability Product Risk Group Provider Cost per Access (Academics) More info Add to Cart
006N-03073 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL63P
Antiviral resistant strain
Plasmid contains the entire genome of HIV-1 with a specific mutation in the protease gene, which has been described as a polymorphic mutation. It is unclear, whether it can confer drug resistance to specific HIV-1 PR inhibitors directly. It has been shown in cell culture that the presence of the 63P change leads to higher "replicative fitness" of the virus. The respective mutations have been reported in viruses from HIV-infected individuals on PR inhibitors with virologic therapy failure. Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Subtype B recombinant Platinum In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
017V-05437 Virus Influenza B Yamagata virus, B/Picardie/1392/2018 PA(I38T), epidemic isolate, baloxavir resistance
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
Influenza B Yamagata virus, B/Picardie/1392/2018 PA(I38T), epidemic isolate, baloxavir resistance, 2017-2018 season Influenza B virus Influenza B virus B/Picardie/1392/2018 Platinum In stock RG2 IP 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
006N-03079 Nucleic Acid pHIV-1_rt-K103N
Antiviral resistant strain
Plasmid contains the entire genome of HIV-1 with specific mutations in the reverse transcriptase gene, which can confer drug resistance to specific HIV-1 inhibitors. The respective mutations have been reported in viruses from HIV-infected individuals on reverse transcriptase inhibitors with virologic therapy failure. Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Subtype B recombinant Platinum In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
006N-03080 Nucleic Acid pHIV-1_rt-M184V
Antiviral resistant strain
Plasmid contains the entire genome of HIV-1 with specific mutations in the reverse transcriptase gene, which can confer drug resistance to specific HIV-1 inhibitors. The respective mutations have been reported in viruses from HIV-infected individuals on reverse transcriptase inhibitors with virologic therapy failure. Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Subtype B recombinant Platinum In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
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