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4 products displayed

Ref-SKU Type Product Description ICTV Taxonomy Virus name Strain Isolate Product Grading Availability Product Risk Group Provider Cost per Access (Academics) More info Add to Cart
001B-04713 Bundle Primers, Probes and target-specific positive controls for Monkeypox virus and Orthopoxviruses detection Target-specific synthetic DNA of Monkeypox virus (real time PCR targeting region of the F3L gene) and Orthopoxviruses DNA detection (real time PCR targeting region of the OPE9L gene) for 45 Rxns and 45 Rxns, respectively. Provided as lyophilized DNA material ready to use after resuspension. AND Lyophilized ready-to-use primers and probe (Lyoph-P&P) for real time PCR targeting region of the F3L gene of Monkeypox virus (45 rxns in the form of 5x 9 rnxs) + Lyophilized ready-to-use primers and probe (Lyoph-P&P) for real time PCR targeting region of the OPE9L gene of orthopoxviruses (45 rxns in the form of 5x 9 rnxs). SOPs in the attached pdf. Reference article : Kulesh D.A. et al. 2003:Smallpox and pan-Orthopox Virus Detection by Real-Time 3-Minor Groove Binder TaqMan Assays on the Roche LightCycler and the Cepheid Smart Cycler Platforms. Disclaimer: This product does not contain the polymerase Monkeypox virus, Orthopoxvirus Monkeypox virus, Orthopoxvirus In stock No RG AMU 424€ View all details on this product . . .
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005V-04758 Virus Monkeypox virus, 2022, Slovenia ex Gran Canaria - inactivated virus The inactivated virus is preserved in viral storage medium -80°C. To confirm its identity the virus has been completely sequenced. The virus has been inactivated (1h at 60°C). Orthopoxvirus, Monkeypox virus Monkeypox virus Slovenia_MPXV-1_2022 Slovenia_MPXV-1_2022 isolate 2225/22 Slovenia ex Gran Canaria Platinum In stock No RG UL 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
005V-04714 Virus Monkeypox virus, 2022, Slovenia ex Gran Canaria Infectious cell culture supernatant containing Monkeypox virus (MPXV). The virus belongs to the hMPXV-1 clade, B.1 lineage. The virus is preserved in viral storage medium -80°C. To confirm its identity the virus has been completely sequenced. Orthopoxvirus, Monkeypox virus Monkeypox virus Slovenia_MPXV-1_2022 Slovenia_MPXV-1_2022 isolate 2225/22 Slovenia ex Gran Canaria Platinum In stock RG3 UL 2,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001B-04727 Bundle Monkeypox detection kit (DNA and molecular systems) The Monkeypox detection kit contains Monkeypox DNA (ex Gran Canaria) AND Molecular systems: Lyophilized ready-to-use primers and probe (Lyoph-P&P) for real time PCR targeting region of the F3L gene of Monkeypox virus (45 rxns in the form of 5x 9 rnxs) + Lyophilized ready-to-use primers and probe (Lyoph-P&P) for real time PCR targeting region of the OPE9L gene of orthopoxviruses (45 rxns in the form of 5x 9 rnxs). + a Target-specific synthetic DNA of Monkeypox virus (real time PCR targeting region of the F3L gene) and Orthopoxviruses DNA detection (real time PCR targeting region of the OPE9L gene) for 45 Rxns and 45 Rxns, respectively. Provided as lyophilized DNA material ready to use after resuspension. SOPs in the attached pdf. Reference article : Kulesh D.A. et al. 2003:Smallpox and pan-Orthopox Virus Detection by Real-Time 3-Minor Groove Binder TaqMan Assays on the Roche LightCycler and the Cepheid Smart Cycler Platforms. Disclaimer: This product does not contain the polymerase Orthopoxvirus, Monkeypox virus Monkeypox virus, Orthopoxvirus In stock No RG UL 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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