Core Partner, Plant viruses, EU
The Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement - INRAE is committed to exploring the frontiers of science and performing high-calibre research that is globally relevant. The institute makes major contributions to European research and participates in European research programmes (e.g., via research networks, H2020 research projects, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) and, as a result, is currently developing bilateral and trilateral partnerships. Our international collaborations focus on sharing laboratories or infrastructure, becoming integrated into research networks, and playing a role within international organisations.
A) INRAE - UMR 1332 Biologie du Fruit et Pathologie (BFP)
BFP is a large joint laboratory between INRAE and the University of Bordeaux. Only one of its six research teams, the Plant Virology team will be involved in the project. The Virology team has 18 scientists, assistant professors and support scientists (Ingénieurs). Its research focuses on RNA plant viruses among which on Potyviruses, the largest and most economically damaging genus of plant viruses. The overall objective is to better understand these agents and their interactions with their host plants. In a translational research approach, this allows to develop new tools or new strategies to fight plant viruses: detection and characterization techniques (phytodiagnostic ...), development of resistant plants... These multidisciplinary efforts benefit from the complementary skills of team members (virology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics and genomics) and from a wide network of national and international collaborations. The research activity of the Plant Virology team is structured in five strongly interacting topics, which reinforce and complement each other, the most relevant of which for the present project concerns the Etiology, diagnosis and characterization of viral agents or of viral metagenomes.
B) INRAE - Avignon Unité de Pathologie Végétale (UR407)
The research of INRAE-PV is focused on bacterial, fungal and viral diseases of fruits and vegetables typically produced in the Mediterranean basin. Studies are also conducted on viral diseases of ornamental crops. The long term goal is the development of rational and efficient disease control methods compatible with a sustainable and high quality production The Unit aims at predicting disease by understanding the ecology and evolution of plant pathogens and disease epidemiology. For this, the Unit maintains a large collection of viral species/strains from different geographic areas (natural samples and infectious clones), characterized for their biological and molecular properties. The Unit has also developed tools for early efficient diagnostic of viruses, including antisera for serological tests.