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46 products displayed

Ref-SKU Type Product Description ICTV Taxonomy Virus name Availability Product Risk Group Provider Cost per Access (Academics) More info Add to Cart
003S-02038 Service Access to virus whole genome sequencing service at APHA Virus whole genome sequencing Viruses Any virus Available within 3 months No RG DEFRA 3,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
024S-05946 Service Training course on applied biosafety in maximum containment in a suited laboratory. Course instruction will be conducted in the high containment facility at ACDP, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. Participants will receive a 5-day intensive course that includes interactive theoretical and practical experiences. Topics addressed will include introduction to BSL4 suited laboratories, regulatory frameworks, operational oversight, engineering controls and maintenance considerations. Practical components of this course will include user experience in two types of encapsulated suits, normal entry/exit procedures as well as emergency responses to various scenarios (such as emergency egress and medical emergency) and suit repair. This training course will be conducted in both a dedicated training laboratory and a functional BSL4 laboratory (down for maintenance). Please get in touch with provider for 2025 course offerings. Viruses Any risk group 4 virus Upon request No RG CSIRO 6,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
024S-05652 Service Training course on applied biosafety and biosecurity in heightened and maximum containment laboratory facilities An in-depth theoretical and practical application of biosafety, biocontainment and biosecurity under the Australia/New Zealand standards and Australian regulatory framework for Biosecurity Containment and Physical Containment level 3 and 4 laboratory and animal facilities. Viruses Any virus Upon request No RG CSIRO 3,400€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
028S-05968 Service Access to a National Reference Laboratory 28th of July to 1st of August. During visit of the facility examples for comprehensive detection and measures to control quarantine pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes) will be presented and the associated quality management will be demonstrated. Furthermore time for mutual scientific exchange and discussions on the control of known and emerging viruses is given. The number of applicants is limited to one to two persons per visiting period. Viruses Any virus In stock No RG JKI 2,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
027S-05991 Service High-throughput sequencing of plant samples High-throughput sequencing has developed into a versatile standard tool in plant virology research. It provides fast and precise genomic data on the viruses being processed for a wide range of applied and basic research questions. This service package offers the individual analysis of three plant samples by HTS to ensure a reliable detection and assembly of the viral genomes. Viruses Any virus In stock RG1 DSMZ 1,950€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
030S-05758 Service Viral indexing of fourteen plant samples by high-throughput sequencing (HTS) (14 samples) The service offers to partners a reliable, sensitive and exhaustive technology to detect all viruses infecting plant samples, in particular for the identification of the viruses involved in novel diseases or in syndrome of unknown etiology. The service provides counseling and costing on projects, receives the samples, performs the extraction of nucleic acids. High-throughput sequencing is outsourced to a subcontractor and the platform performs the downstream bioinformatic analysis, up to the identification of known or novel viral agents present in the samples analyzed. Viruses any plant virus In stock RG1 INRAE-BFP 9,100€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
006S-05714 Service In vivo virus production of an uncultivable tick-borne virus in castor bean ticks nymphs (Ixodes ricinus) The end-user provided virus (e.g. as a tick homogenate) will be used to experimentally infect castor bean tick nymphs (Ixodes ricinus). The nymphs will be infected by micro-capillary inoculation into the coxal plate of the second pair of legs (transcoxal infection) using a digital microinjector system. First, 100 nymphs will be used for evaluation of the virus replication dynamics. Based on the obtained results, tick-derived virus stock will be generated from an additional 100 nymphs and provided to the end-user. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG3 BMC-SAS 14,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
006S-05713 Service In vivo virus production of an uncultivable tick-borne virus in adult castor bean ticks (Ixodes ricinus) The end-user provided virus (e.g. as a tick homogenate) will be used to experimentally infect adult castor bean ticks (Ixodes ricinus). The ticks will be infected by micro-capillary inoculation into the coxal plate of the second pair of legs (transcoxal infection) using a digital microinjector system. First, 100 ticks will be used for evaluation of the virus replication dynamics. Based on the obtained results, tick-derived virus stock will be generated from an additional 100 ticks and provided to the end-user. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG3 BMC-SAS 14,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
006S-05710 Service Upon request virus stock production in a single batch under BSL2 conditions Virus production of viruses available on the EVAg catalogue from BMC-SAS in a single batch upon request containing 30 cryotubes containing 0.5mL. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG2 BMC-SAS 9,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
006S-05709 Service Upon request virus stock production in a single batch under BSL3 conditions Virus production of viruses available on the EVAg catalogue from BMC-SAS in a single batch upon request containing 30 cryotubes containing 0.5mL. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG3 BMC-SAS 15,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
010S-05705 Service Course: HIV sequence analysis for drug resistance Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) drug resistance remains a significant health issue that challenges treatment and prevention. The objective of this 3-week course is to learn bioinformatics techniques for the analysis of next-generation HIV sequencing results. This covers both HIV-1 and HIV-2. Teaching objectives include data curation, alignment, phylogenetics for typing, identification of drug resistance mutations, production of a resistance score, and interpretation. This course does not include genotyping itself, only sequence analysis and interpretation, as described above. Human immunodeficiency virus 1, Human immunodeficiency virus 2 Human immunodeficiency virus In stock No RG ERASMUS-MC 4,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
010S-05646 Service Rabies virus neutralization assay training We offer a 5 day training session to colleagues from endemic regions. Participants will visit the Viroscience clinical virology lab, where they will perform all required laboratory and analysis procedures for the quantification rabies virus and neutralizing antibodies. Special attention will be given to biosafety, quality control, assay validation, data processing and interpretation of the results. The training will address , the basic principles of rabies virus detection by PCR and quantification of neutralization antibodies by combining lectures, demonstrations and hands-on training.The training will enable the trainees to introduce the tests in their own lab. To ensure this, the training is 100% tailor made. Trainees will be asked in advance to make photos of their own laboratory including the equipment they have to their disposal. During the course this will enable the trainers to translate protocols to their local situation and improve local rabies diagnostics. Rabies lyssavirus Rabies In stock RG3 ERASMUS-MC 4,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
030S-05385 Service Viral indexing of five plant samples by high-throughput sequencing (HTS, 5 samples) The service offers to partners a reliable, sensitive and exhaustive technology to detect all viruses infecting plant samples, in particular for the identification of the viruses involved in novel diseases or in syndrome of unknown etiology. The service provides counseling and costing on projects, receives the samples, performs the extraction of nucleic acids. High-throughput sequencing is outsourced to a subcontractor and the platform performs the downstream bioinformatic analysis, up to the identification of known or novel viral agents present in the samples analyzed. Viruses any pant virus In stock RG1 INRAE-BFP 3,250€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
028S-05429 Service Training workshop on diagnostics for African researchers (Second Edition) We would like to invite African researchers to a training workshop on virus diagnostics. In the scope of this three-day workshop, participants from various African countries will acquire hands-on experience in the detection and characterisation of viruses using electron microscopy and Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). This workshop offers a valuable opportunity for participants to connect and to network with each other, contributing to the prevention of virus outbreaks. The workshop is scheduled to take place from the 27th to the 29th of November 2023 at the Julius Kühn-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany. Viruses Any virus In stock RG1 JKI 1,700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
029S-05428 Service High-throughput sequencing for detection and identification of plant viruses in plants or environmental samples The detection of plant viruses in environmental samples, such as insects, mites, crops, weeds. obtained through high-throughput sequencing (HTS) followed by appropriate bioinformatics analyses, allows to verify the phytosanitary status of plants and is particularly useful for the identification of viruses involved in diseases with unknown etiology. The service offers the individual analysis of three samples by HTS and the downstream bioinformatic analysis, up to the identification of sequences of viral origin in each sample. Viruses Any virus In stock RG1 CNR 1,950€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
021S-05405 Service APHA - Training Course: Diagnostic tools for Bovine Leukemia (Leukosis) Virus This four day course will go through the general principles for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus, through a combination of discussions, demonstrations and hands-on training. The training will include sample processing, PCR, ELISA (serology), reagent production, virus related bio-safety and diagnostic quality systems. Bovine leukemia virus Bovine leukemia virus In stock RG2 DEFRA 5,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
030S-05386 Service Viral indexing of ten plant samples by high-throughput sequencing (HTS) (10 samples) The service offers to partners a reliable, sensitive and exhaustive technology to detect all viruses infecting plant samples, in particular for the identification of the viruses involved in novel diseases or in syndrome of unknown etiology. The service provides counseling and costing on projects, receives the samples, performs the extraction of nucleic acids. High-throughput sequencing is outsourced to a subcontractor and the platform performs the downstream bioinformatic analysis, up to the identification of known or novel viral agents present in the samples analyzed. Viruses any plant virus In stock RG1 INRAE-BFP 6,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
030S-05384 Service Viral indexing of three plant samples by high-throughput sequencing (HTS) The service offers to partners a reliable, sensitive and exhaustive technology to detect all viruses infecting plant samples, in particular for the identification of the viruses involved in novel diseases or in syndrome of unknown etiology. The service provides counseling and costing on projects, receives the samples, performs the extraction of nucleic acids. High-throughput sequencing is outsourced to a subcontractor and the platform performs the downstream bioinformatic analysis, up to the identification of known or novel viral agents present in the samples analyzed. Viruses any plant virus In stock RG1 INRAE-BFP 1,950€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
014S-05230 Service Access to RIVM infrastructure to use anonymized Norovirus patient material for experiments of choice Access to RIVM infrastructure to use anonymized human fecal material containing fully sequenced norovirus strains, representing different genotypes. Strains/genotypes/year (2012-2023) selection on demand. Custom-made package includes individual fecal material from 5 different patients, 10-20% suspended in virus culture medium. Service includes technical input on protocols and experiment design and support in the laboratory. Individual questions to refine potential requests can be sent to Norovirus Norovirus Upon request RG2 RIVM 5,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
014S-05231 Service Access to RIVM infrastructure to use anonymized Sapovirus patient material for experiments of choice Access to RIVM infrastructure to use anonymized human fecal material containing fully sequenced sapovirus strains, representing different genotypes. Strains/genotypes/year (2012-2023) selection on demand. Custom-made package includes individual fecal material from 2 different patients, 10-20% suspended in virus culture medium. Service includes technical input on protocols and experiment design and support in the laboratory. Individual questions to refine potential requests can be sent to Sapovirus Sapovirus Upon request RG2 RIVM 5,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
010S-04799 Service Principles and practice of virus neutralization assays Virus Neutralization Tests (VNT), also including plaque-reduction and foci-inhibition assays like PRNT and RFFIT, are the gold standard for determining antibody titers against viruses, and are essential serological tools. In this 5-day training the application and basic principles of VNTs will be discussed, and will be combined with wet lab training. The wet lab training will include all steps of the VNT, including analysis and interpretation of the results. The training will be provided on demand and can be designed for the following viruses: rabies virus (RABV), SARS-CoV-2, Zika virus, yellow fever virus and other flaviviruses, All lectures and lab training will be targeted to the virus of interest. After this training participants should have sufficient knowledge to establish VNTs in their own laboratory. Viruses Any virus (see additrional information) Upon request RG2 ERASMUS-MC 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
029S-04777 Service High-throughput sequencing for detection and identification of viruses in plants The detection of viral pathogens infecting a given plant sample, obtained through high-throughput sequencing (HTS) followed by appropriate bioinformatics analyses, allows to verify the phytosanitary status of plants and is particularly useful for the identification of viruses involved in diseases with unknown etiology or for the certification of seed and planting material. The service offers the individual analysis of three plant samples by HTS and the downstream bioinformatic analysis, up to the identification of sequences of viral origin in each sample. Viruses Any virus In stock RG1 CNR 1,950€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
029S-04309 Service training course: molecular characterization of geminiviruses In this two-week course, to be held in the CNR-IPSP laboratories in Torino (Italy), the basic principles of geminivirus typing and molecular characterization will be addressed by a combination of lectures, demonstration and hands-on training. Topics include: sample preparation, nucleic acid extraction, rolling-circle amplification, RFLP analysis, cloning, sequencing, phylogenetic analysis. Participants may bring their own samples following agreement with the organizers. After this course participants should have sufficient knowledge to introduce molecular characterization of geminiviruses (and other small circular DNAs) in their own laboratory. Geminiviridae Geminiviridae Upon request RG1 CNR 5,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
029S-04310 Service training on diagnostic tools for geminiviruses In this five-day course, to be held in the CNR-IPSP laboratories in Torino (Italy), the basic principles of geminivirus diagnosis will be addressed by a combination of lectures, demonstration and hands-on training. Topics include: tissue-printing hybridization, dot-blot hybridization, preparation of non-radioactive probes, rapid sample extraction. After this course participants should have sufficient knowledge to introduce routine diagnostics of geminiviruses in their own laboratory. Geminiviridae Geminiviridae Upon request No RG CNR 2,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
030S-04280 Service Viral indexing of plant or fungal samples by high-throughput sequencing (HTS) The service offers to partners a reliable, sensitive and exhaustive technology to detect all viruses infecting a plant or fungal sample, in particular for the identification of the viruses involved in novel diseases or in syndrome of unknown etiology. The service provides counseling and costing on projects, receives the samples, performs the extraction of nucleic acids. High-throughput sequencing is outsourced to a subcontractor and the platform performs the downstream bioinformatic analysis, up to the identification of known or novel viral agents present in the samples analyzed Viruses any viruses (plant virus or mycovirus) In stock RG1 INRAE-BFP 650€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available

















Cost per access

ranges from 500 to 15,000