Access to the INMI BSL-3 infrastructures for theoretical and practical training on biosafety and techniques related to RG3 virus isolation
Product Description
009S-01682 Access to BSL-3 laboratories including equipment and personal protective equipment, theoretical and practical training, access to BSL-3 virus collection (related to the project of the end user), support in performing experiments, supervision as well as preparation and evaluation of the BSL-3 work.
For TNA (trans-national access), the access includes travel (550 € for EU scientists and 1500 € for non EU scientists).
Cost for accommodation and subsistence as well as the salary of the end user are not included in this service.
Biosafety and biosecurity documentation must be provided by the candidate before the beginning of the training.
Product Risk Group:
Information on the related virus
ICTV Taxonomy:
Virus name: